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AHGH In The Media

Abortion Hurts. God Heals! Is excited to see how God has blessed this ministry over the past year. This page includes articles, newspaper clippings, and speaking engagements that feature the activities of AHGH. As God brings opportunities to share our stories, and awareness to the spiritual, physical and emotional consequences we experienced from abortion, we pray that what brings God the Glory is the hope and healing we found through His mercy, grace and forgiveness. That is the message we hope to share with others who may be hurting in our churches and in our communities.

“A Message to the Church on Abortion”, an article written by AHGH’s Financial Director, Virginia Lange, was featured in KSLR FaithTalk Magazine’s Spring 2016 edition.


Abortion Hurts. God Heals! was featured in the January 2016 issue of the San Antonio Beacon. AHGH Executive Director, Saundra Decker, was interviewed about the AHGH ministry and her story of God’s healing from the pain of her abortions.  She expressed the calling and passion God has given her to reach out and to share her story.

After founding AHGH along with Virginia Lange and Jennifer Padilla, Saundra shares how other healed post-abortive women came alongside them to join the AHGH Support Team and how God opened an unexpected door – the opportunity to share the ministry with a wider audience as the Abortion Hurts. God Heals! Radio Program began airing on Sunday evenings at 7:00 on KSLR 630 the Word in South Texas.


Abortion Hurts. God Heals! was the “Featured Ministry” in the June 17, 2016 Newsletter from Sandy Lee Coaching. 

Small Excerpts from the Feature:

Abortion is one of those topics that no-one wants to talk about. The topic is so controversial that, unfortunately, even many churches avoid discussing it. God has spoken to my heart, that the silence needs to end and that it is time for the healing to begin for those living in shame and guilt from their abortion experiences. Abortion Hurts. God Heals! ministry and team members are the voices that need to be heard! We are the voices of experience, transformation, hope and healing…

We, as a team, want you to know that abortion in NOT the unforgivable sin…

For months, we sat quietly waiting for this to flourish. We had no response. God had other plans…..the opportunity was offered to our ministry to host a weekly radio program!!!! WOW! Neither, Virginia Lange (my co-director) nor I had any radio experience whatsoever… but when a door opens, we must be obedient and answer the call. Virginia and I created a demo, KSLR sent it off to Salem Communications and we were accepted! So, now you can hear us on or AM 630 – KSLR, The Word in South Texas every Sunday night from 7-8 PM CST. On the Abortion Hurts. God Heals! radio program, both women and men are sharing the hope of healing from abortion for the world to hear! We are even being heard in the Ukraine! How amazing is that!?!!?

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